Hello & Welcome!
About Me
Just a sinner saved by grace. Another human that God loves passionately like all of the other ones. Thankful that Jesus found me. Living for the day when I stand before God the Father and join the eternal chorus of praise and worship before the throne of Jesus Christ. Making the most of this life to invest in the next.
I grew up in Huntsville, Alabama, the son of a great mom and dad and two awesome brothers. Johnny, my dad, was an aeronautical engineer, Texas A&M Class of '55. My mom, Suzie, was a UCLA grad, Class of '55 or '56. Mom and dad were born in Jefferson, Texas and were elementary school sweethearts. They loved the Lord and were members at First Baptist Church, Huntsville, Al. Dad went home to be with the Lord in 1977 - a casualty of cancer who died in his early 40's. Mom and I moved to her hometown of Jefferson when I was a junior in high school. She opened one of the first bed and breakfasts in Jefferson and went home to be with the Lord in 2010 at the age of 77.
Spiritual Beginnings
Though I grew up in church and had a wonderful Christian upbringing, I did not let God have control of my life until the summer of 1985. One of my friends invited me to a church camp-out, and there I understood clearly for the first time that I needed a Savior. I trusted Jesus Christ as Lord, and my life changed dramatically! I found freedom and joy like I had never experienced, and my heart's desire became to fulfill what I had heard preached in that summer of 1985:
"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." (2 Corinthians 5:17-21, NASB)School and Work
I graduated from Texas A&M University in 1988. I was in the Class of '86, but I managed to put 4 years of work into 7 (I started college when I was a senior in high school.) I graduated with a degree in accounting, became a CPA and worked for 16 years in the financial world of public accounting, oil and gas, private practice and international accounting. My last 3 years of work in accounting were amazingly rewarding. I was able to travel to Canada, England, Italy, Japan, China and Korea with Blockbuster and FedEx Office (formerly Kinko's). While the work was very demanding, it provided a great training ground for my character and wonderful experiences that have been tremendously helpful in Christian ministry.
I knew I was called to vocational ministry right after I gave my life to Jesus. Everything had changed, life was new, and I had this overwhelming desire to know God and serve people like my pastors. The Lord kept me in the business world for 16 years then allowed me to go on staff as the Executive Pastor at a church we had started in Prosper, Texas. I served in that capacity for 8 years until the Lord clearly called my wife, Roxie, and I to her hometown of Mason, Texas, to pastor her former church there. I have served as the Senior Pastor at River of Life Church in Mason (www.rolmason.org) since July of 2012, and it has been such a fulfilling and rewarding experience.
I plan to eventually write about this journey; the joy of watching God direct my path has been overwhelmingly delightful - even that falls short in describing it. It has been truly glorious.
My goal is to simply be obedient to God's plans for me in Christ and to serve in the power of His Spirit until He calls me home or returns to wrap everything up here on Earth. In the meantime, to Him be all power, honor and glory forever!
Passion for Aviation
The aviation theme in this website stems from a lifelong passion with flying. I learned it early from my father who was an aeronautical engineer, from his brother who was a test pilot, and to an early fascination with anything that had wings. I will share more information on this in the aviation section, but once again, even my love for aviation is something that the Lord has used in powerful ways in my life. From dreams and visions of my destiny, to hearing God speak to me, to a famous uncle who test piloted the B-1 bomber and the Concorde, the Lord is so creative in how He relates to us in every aspect of life. I am a private pilot and hope to build a Corvair powered Pietenpol Aircamper before I fly home to be with Jesus!
© 2021